Imagine letting niggas write a better newsletter than you

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Hey man I am one of the sand niggas you hate. I'd like to challenge you on a live youtube event on a fight match and an IQ test and a game test where you and I go to a club and pick up chics.

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Is he a crypto writer?

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Wow, you've covered so much ground here... this helps a lot. Thanks. I can relate to one of those folks u mention in this article "found crypto in 2017, then you likely also forgot about crypto when prices went down ~90%, and now here you are trying to get caught up to speed again"

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wake up babe, new ansem quarter outlook just dropped.

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Would suggest to look at Polygon’s data avail layer - their whitepaper is a banger

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This shit is GOLD. whats your twitter?

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I'm active in a few ecosystems. As you know

Cardano-Which I'm staking in or have staked in quite a few ISOs and ISPOs. I have earned a lot of tokens by just staking.

FTM-Has an awesome team and great defi tech being built on its ecosystem. It's cheap and fast.

ONE-One is undervalued in my opinion and has a lot of room to grow. It's another cross chain Blockchain using EVM tech

Tron-Very disappointed in this Blockchain. Justin Sun just stepped down, so hopefully they make better progress with the ecosystem. Not enough development

TerraLuna-The best staking of any ecosystem. You can stake LUNA and UST and earn staking rewards.

LUNA is built off of the COSMOS sdk.

ATOM-I have received COMDEX and Desmos airdrops from staking ATOM.

Most of the times airdrops for LUNA or COSMOS are together.

Luna will be Top 3 in my opinion because of UST and the burning mechanism with Luna.

COSMOS is the most underrated and undervalued Blockchain right now. There are so many other blockchains using COSMOS SDK it's ridiculous that ATOM price is so low. It's a steal. The airdrops on COSMOS, LUNA, and Cardano will be crazy this year.

If you buy ATOM and stake, stake XPRT as well. They are going to have crazy airdrops this year as well.

The only one I think you have missed is Crypto.com (CRO). I think they have the best marketing and easiest on chain mechanism at the moment. Their cards IMO will make CRO one of the biggest banks in the World. Now they are on boarding defi with VVS.

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you are such a legend... love reading your thoughts. Easy reads and insight is insane. Much love

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You up there with Cobie and Balaji IMO

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Incredible read Ansem, I can only imagine how much research you do to be able to make such a coherent outlook

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Nice write up, I’m confused by the lack of DOT though. Gavin Wood in my opinion has solved the problem no other chain except IBC & AVAX to an extent have which is interoperability. And they’re solution for scalability is to be tested but the research is sound. Moonbeam now available so all these EVM meme coins cloning each other will start deploying on DOT. I just don’t see how it doesn’t go crazy this year.

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This was the single most useful source of crypto insight I've come across, period. Thank you for this.

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Hi Ansem, thank you for the great outlook for Q1. My name is Demelza Hays, and I'm the Director of Research at Cointelegraph. We would like to get in touch with you. Please email me at demelza@cointelegraph.com

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Thank you for this - incredible read

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Hey, looking forward to the DEFI kingdom strategies. I just got into the game, I am a little confused on how LP works and why Jewel/cosmos or jewel/luna is better than another one. I am currently in Jewel/One, does this mean I am betting jewel and one will outpreform jewel relative to cosmos or luna???

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when picking LP pairs, you want assets that both grow at similar rates, because that minimises your impermanent loss (you get more of the asset that is not growing as much, i.e. both assets have to have equal monetary value in the pool, taking into account their individual growth). What he is predicting is that cosmos and luna outperform all the other alt pairs in the other LP pools, which means less IL and more gains. You can probably figure out the potential IL advantage by estimating values of Cosmos/Luna combined with their APR compared lets say to the Jewel/ONE LP pool.

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also I dont think that cosmos/jewel pair exists yet

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That’s a lot of good alpha. Thanks ansem.

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